Setting up your first classroom in Banqer High is quick and easy! If you’ve registered as a teacher, the system will prompt you to create your first class.
Get your students set up and troubleshoot some common issues with our steps in this article.
Each topic within Banqer, referred to as Expansions, is housed separately, complete with a bank of resources each.
To get the most out of the platform, take a moment to explore it from a student’s perspective using your demo student, Leo Scott.
Your use of Banqer will vary depending on your subject, time available and year level. Below we take you through some general tips to get the most out of Banqer for your students.
We have made it possible for you to easily share updates of your students progression with their parents or caregivers.
The Class Store and Gems in your Banqer classroom provide a fun, interactive way to engage students and reinforce key financial literacy concepts.
Keeping track of your student progress is a breeze using the options available from your Teacher Dashboard.
The Teacher Dashboard serves as your central hub for managing and monitoring your Banqer class.