Within Banqer High Junior, there are a couple of reporting export options available to you.
1. Student Progress
You can export information about all of your students and how they are progressing through the platform. This export will show you a list of the key activities within Banqer, and information on the status of each one for each of your students. It will also show you more detailed information around areas such as how many cards each student has, their student loan balance and more.
- Within your Teacher Dashboard, look to your Class Overview section.
- Click on the cog in the top right corner of the Class Overview.
- Click "Download .csv" - a file will be automatically downloaded onto your computer.
2. Learning Outcomes/Quiz Results
You can export your students quiz results at any time, allowing you to review this information and use internally.
- Navigate to the Student Outcomes section within your Teacher Tools.
- Click on the "Export CSV" button.
- Your file will be downloaded onto your computer for your use.
For a visual step-through of both of the above exporting options, please see this guide: